It is important that we ensure our own safety and take proper measures when we take a step ahead, which should be beneficial to oneself and others. In the present times, visions have been developed in several countries for taking several road safety measures and develop mechanisms that would ensure safe walking down on the roads. There is a huge purpose behind it. The main aim and purpose of this vision is to ensure that taking precautions on the road receives an important and prominent place in transportation policies and several decision-making processes. This vision can also raise public awareness and interest and create support in the population and among public and private institutions for road safety improvement. These visions range from the national level to regional and local levels with several serious commitments to substantially improve road and traffic safety.
Several data analyzing methods, tools and techniques have been brought into practice to determine the facts that create problems in main safety disposal mechanisms which are needed to be detected and directed for the safety on the people on roads. It is important to understand and figure out the trends in fatality crashes over a longer-time span, as well as trends for less serious crashes. Also a separate review of urban and rural areas and of problem areas in the road network is useful. It is also important to analyze exposure data and risk data. Several countries gather information on traffic behavior, road user knowledge, skills, and opinions. However, data on these variables are lacking in India.
While planning traffic safety measures, an analysis of the present situation is not always sufficient; safety experts should attempt to prepare for the future. For example, in several countries the aging of the population, the growing economy, and the rising volume of traffic pose new challenges for traffic safety analysis. On the other hand, new technology offers opportunities for speed restriction, traffic management, and mitigation of collision consequences.
Using roads is necessary for participation in the society. However, risk of death or injury while using the roads is disproportionate, as is evident from various analyses on the basis of global road accident data. Road accident statistics also reveal that poor and developing countries are bearing the brunt of the road safety problem, despite low levels of motorization. Still more unfortunate part is that India stands out well above other developing and developed nations with regard to road safety situation, rather in an uncomplimentary way.
We know deaths due to road accidents can be drastically reduced, but we will have to convince decision-makers, stakeholders, and the public at large that the present framework of road safety in the country needs drastic improvement and up-gradation. It is only with suitable institutional, financial, and legal framework that we may be able to see proper road safety policies and action plans on the ground for increased road safety. Road deaths can be drastically reduced if enough people and interests are convinced that they want it to happen and are willing to work together to make it happen without any prejudices and vested interests.
Things are getting bad to worse each year and yet nothing significant seems to be happening to improve road safety situation in the country. India seems to be almost stuck at the threshold of the third and the final phase of the road safety development process, which other countries have gone through and benefited. Road safety is being treated in a laissez faire way in India. Among the important reasons for such a situation are the lack of national commitment to the road safety, bureaucratic inertia, and public apathy to human suffering and economic losses due to road accidents.
Things are getting bad to worse each year and yet nothing significant seems to be happening to improve road safety situation in the country. India seems to be almost stuck at the threshold of the third and the final phase of the road safety development process, which other countries have gone through and benefited. Road safety is being treated in a laissez faire way in India. Among the important reasons for such a situation are the lack of national commitment to the road safety, bureaucratic inertia, and public apathy to human suffering and economic losses due to road accidents.
There is an ardent need for developing the fantastic ways of road safety and concerned measures. The road safety targets should be planned in a realistic, fact-based, achievable, well managed and monitored with proper records. This increases the transparency in the working machinery and enables smooth running and functioning of the organization. This also directs to take effective measures for several other programs in line and brings to light the likelihood of the safety policies implemented. Targeted road safety programs can result in better integration of existing institutional efforts, generally require greater co-ordination and often produce a more focused allocation of resources.
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