A child is that flower of a mother's garden which requires the showers of kindness and happiness. What really matters is not what we leave to our children, but what we leave into our children. It is through the children that the world knows of its parents, for the goodness is beyond the height of mountains and deeper than the seas.
The five treasures that make up to my list of giving my child a secure future are:
1. Educational weapon
This features on the top my list since with the tool of education, my child would be secure anywhere and everywhere. Education is an admirable thing for lifetime and is the best friend. It doesn't leave the individual in the times of crises or breakdown. Educating child is of the primary concern, building up interest into education begins right form the childhood days. Education would largely involve academics, sports education and other extra curricular activities. Thus, education is that powerful instrument which would imply all round development and growth of the child. This would ultimately turn out as a boon not only to the individual or the family, but shall also prove fruitful for the nation-at-large.
2. Health Mantra
Giving my child a good health is my primary concern and duty. A healthy body is essential for every being, and taking care of oneself is an important concern for the individual. Providing the art of maintaining a good health and encouraging my child to be fit and energetic is an easy say than done. Since, I love to take up the challenges, shall give my child the best on health maintenance. This can be brought out by making the child some sports clubs, yoga classes, aerobics or dance classes. This shall not only help in maintaining a good health, but shall help the development in the activities such as dancing and sports. Lets not forget, sports is also a great career.
3. Art of living
Then comes the "Art Of Living" largely acronymed as AOL. The prime reason of gifting my child with this gift is that it would teach the child the basic formulas of life since life and living is all about mathematics where ups and downs are order of each day. This shall make the child stronger to take up the decisions and make apt choices among the several options available. This shall provide the child to build up on the ethical and integral values necessary to carry forward the life smoothly and efficiently. Art of living enables the child to have a broader and larger view of life.
4. Books for life
Books constitute capital. I shall acquaint my child with lots and lots of books. With books, child shall develop the habit of reading, and this reading would become the continuing need which would ultimately assist the child to breakdown any of the shackles into the child's life. Also, good reading shall give child the possession of judgmental skills to differentiate between the right or wrong, and good or bad. Books are one of those havens where a child's mind gets tremendous progress.
5. Insurance and Investment
One of those few things on the list, of which my child would be initially unaware of what investment and insurance is all about, but this is certainly one those gifts, of which the child in later part of his life would be most thankful of his parents, and I would want to see my child happy in all the phases of life. What better gift could it be, than getting some of the best policies on the investment and insurance lists. This shall not only keep my child's future secure, instead shall make my future comfortable as well. A smile of my child's face would be eternal happiness for me. What more could one ask from life ?
Thus, What really matters is not what we leave to our children, but what we leave into our children. Nurture the best within and from the child.
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